Monday, May 5, 2008

The Point of Prejudices

Prejudices are like the yellow strip across the road humps. Telling us to be careful. But not all road humps need you to slow down real slow, swerve your car to the left when the front wheels touching the hump and to swerve back to the right when the wheels are on top of the hump. Some humps are even negligibly low; you don’t even need to slow down.

That is prejudice, the shallowest most way of perceiving. Lumping all people in a group and stick the attributes to the forehead of the people.

While prejudices give us guidelines (just like the yellow strips of the road humps), we ought to give individualistic assessments to each and everyone. People are not ants; we do not use our antennas to acknowledge the chemical of others. We are not that simple and primitive to leave what in the skull without any use.

People also do not live like what the horoscope tell them to. Not all Taureans will feel as ecstatic as I am today, some will be completely shabby and some might win lottery. We cannot lump them together and expect them to behave like a herd of sheep.

Fat people, short people, thin people, handsome people or whatever people might share some identical insecurities related to their fatness, shortness, thinness or handsomeness. But they do not react identically to the insecurities, even the level of insecurities is not equal.

Come to think of it, the effort to understand people by prejudices is just another losing battle. Two persons are as different intra-group as they are inter-group. So I wonder, is there any point in the prejudices anyway?


Iz Ayunie said...

owh!u're back~cool!

LuciusMaximus said...

great, finally u writing on blogger!

-AzR- said...

thanks people... :)