Monday, May 31, 2010

On Writing Again

Just a week ago my laptop went kaput. It just didn't want to load, worse it didn't has any sign of life at all. Just blank. Probably some hardware failures.

It is not shocking at all to find the laptop that way. It has age on its shoulder. Five years down the line, past the golden age for computers.

The laptop was the writing pad since 2005. I wrote anecdotal musings on it. Most of them are personal thoughts and introspections and not posted anywhere else. The laptop was the only place where the words once lingering in my mind can be found in concrete, decipherable electronic form.

People say that once you write something over the net, it is virtually forever. It would stay, probably will haunt you, forever. Like when Beastie Boys wrote the song (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)and totally despise the song afterward.

But, with the lost of the writings, I should be glad of internet. Posting some of it here preserved some of the writing from total loss.

Too bad that the fact that the surviving posts are not the most personal of writings. They have all been trimmed and skimmed which made them fit for posting. Sometimes with very little soul left.

Losing it is like amnesia, like losing the memory of something a-la Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Just like when you lost the pictures of you when you were little. Pictures may depict your physical development but writings are for cognition. You have little pieces of your cognition history lost with the laptop.

I should start writing again, replacing the lost cognitive history with the new ones.