Monday, June 2, 2008


I met an old friend who shares my wonderment of human behaviour. We wondered out loud on how people define entertainment as another blockbuster summer movie, of talking lion or another superhero movie.

I would like to shout out loud the sentiment and my wonderment but I guess it would offend so many people who have asked me in the past ‘Have you watched Iron Man?’ or some people that were so impressed when I actually confused Mary Jane as a character in Superman. I am not a bimbo mind you, but these cookie cutter approach to superhero movie-making really confuses the heck out of me.

Don’t say I never tried you know, I used to try to be apart of these crowd. The supposedly in crowd by pretending to like these summer movies but I guess I got C+ for that. I ended up reading for some general overview of the summer movies and present them as my thought.

I guess age gives us more perspectives and age defies the need to be in the in crowd. I simply don’t care anymore. I know I have to respect people's choice. I know I have to respect people who watch the blockbusters if they like it but I still want and ache for my little dose of small and honest movies no matter how much you praise your Iron Man. I just want Once with Glen Hansaard’s powerful lyrics. I watched Waking Life (by recommendation from the most unlikely person (yes I’m a bigot)) and I guess it’s an otherworldly experience. I wonder how on earth people have never heard of Before Sunset and Before Sunrise?

And I said I don’t care anymore.

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