Sunday, October 12, 2008

Of Ghosts and Witches

I should have taken myself a little less seriously lately. I think spontaneity is good, candidness is easy. Sometimes, we ought to say ‘I don’t care’ and really mean it. That’s when the candidness comes.

I guess I will flood this very private area of blog posting with numerous entries in the next few weeks/months (depending on how much candidness have I acquired). So, beware.

For the last few weeks (or more accurately: my whole freaking life!) I have haunted by so many ghost stories. And it’s beginning to tire a little. Imagine: everybody around you is talking about ghosts all the time.

I think the time for all these ghosts is over. And the best way to get rid of them is stop obsessing about them. Just talk about politics, geology, space explorer and films. Don’t talk about them and they’d be forgotten and probably gone for good.

To forget them will not be an easy task. There are a lot of people will do whatever they might to make you remember. The witches will definitely want you to remember as they would be the one benefits from the whole catastrophe.

They benefit from the fear. You fear, you will listen, you will believe and they will be in power. Freaking witch!

No matter what subdivision of ‘sihir’ (witchcraft) you are practising, I don’t care. All I know is they are all witchcrafts that make you a witch (tukang sihir) not “pengamal ubatan tradisional” or “pengamal ilmu batin”. The names are just too positive and too good to describe all the witches (tukang sihir).

Some people go to greater extend to defend their witch and the ghost by saying that the 6th pillar of beliefs in Islam is ‘to believe the unseen’. As far as I know, the 6th is always changing. Either ‘to believe the hereafter’ or ‘to believe the unseen (makhluk ghaib)’. The second suggestion is kind of overkill as we all know that the unseen may include the nymphs, the ghosts and even the UFOs and crop circles! Do we actually have to believe in the crop circles to be a Muslim?

The witches are always the witch no matter how you relate you practice to martial art or medicine. A witch (tukang sihir) is always a witch whether you have your yellow Buddhist robe, black silat’s uniform, KKK’s white headgear or even white turbans. Whenever you use other power than the God Almighty you are a witch and freaking tukang sihir! End of story.

Let us not believe in the superpowers that these people claim that they may generate. They are tukang sihir and I guess people who believe that the first pillar of belief in Islam is ‘to believe in God’ will know what they ought to do.

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